A Fun Way to Use Resurrection Eggs for an Indoor Egg Hunt

by Erica 

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Are you looking for a fun way to share the resurrection story with young children?  Try using Resurrection Eggs and reading Lily’s Easter Party: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs to help them understand who Jesus is and why we celebrate Easter.

This is how it happened in our home:

The plan was to hide the eggs around the yard.  I ordered the Resurrection Eggs to hide and Lily’s Easter Party] to read BUT on Saturday morning the temperature was 15°.  Change in plans:  Egg Hunt is now indoors.

Resurrection Eggs
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What are Resurrection Eggs?

Resurrection Eggs are plastic Easter Eggs.  Each egg has a physical symbol of a resurrection story which helps children understand who Jesus is.

The 12 symbols are:

  1. Little Donkey
  2. Silver Coins
  3. Cup
  4. Praying Hands
  5. Strip of Leather
  6. Rooster (The book we read had a die instead, but I used the rooster)
  7. Crown of Thorns
  8. A cross made of nails
  9. Spear
  10. Piece of Linen
  11. Stone
  12. Empty

Indoor Egg Hunt

I hid the eggs around the house without her knowledge.  That afternoon, I asked to read a book with her.  I read Lily’s Easter Party: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs.  The story is about a little girl who is excited about an upcoming Easter Egg hunt. Lily’s parents tell her and her friends that there are 12 eggs hidden with special messages.  At that point, I stopped and told her that the same 12 eggs were hidden in our house.

She ran around the house looking frantically for the eggs, just like the kids in the book.  She put the eggs in the basket just like the children the book.  In her mind, she was part of the same Easter Egg hunt.

After she had found the eggs, we finished the book.  She opened each egg along with the kids in the book. As we read about each of the symbols, she asked questions.  She was 100% engaged in the story. ]Lily’s Easter Party: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs] does an excellent job engaging the reader.

It was so much fun watching my daughter do the activity with Lily and her friends.

In the end, I asked her “Who is Jesus?”

“He is the Son of God! He died on the cross for me.”  She told the whole resurrection story, emphasizing the symbols. She ended with “and I believe in Him and He lives in me.”

Is this something you would try in your house? Click here to head over to Amazon and pick up your Resurrection Eggs.

If you try it, please stop back and let us know how it went with your children.

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